Thursday, March 17, 2011

Lasting Happiness

All of us could make a very long list of what makes us happy. If I were to make a list of what made me happy, or what I enjoyed to do, two years ago The Gospel of Jesus Christ and sharing it with others would be at the bottom. If I remembered to put it on the list at all. Since I have been out on my mission I've have realized what has made me happier than anything else. That is sharing and teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in its fulness. At times, and overall, it has been the hardest thing I have ever done. I am doing it because I chose to and without getting paid either. I have discovered the peace and joy that comes from "living" the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that this is the one thing that can bring everlasting peace and joy into anyones life. That is why I am sharing it with the people I come in contact with. I have discovered the best thing in life and I want to give it to you.

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